The ninth signal measured the change in the firm's asset turnover ratio. 第9个信号衡量公司资产周转率的变化。
The asset turnover ratio was improved by increasing sales by$ 2 and by reducing investment by$ 3. 资产周转率的提高是由于增加了2元的销售额和减少3元的投资额的结果。
This was also due to a 1 percent higher profit margin and better asset turnover ratio. 这也是由于提高1%的利润边际和较好的资产周转率所致。
It is found from the predicted models that during the one-year period before default happened, the default probability has high relevance with asset solvency and receivable turnover, but little relevance with profit earning capability. 本文所获得的判别模型显示,违约发生的前一年资产偿债能力指标和应收账款周转率指标与违约发生率高度相关,而与盈利能力指标相关性较弱。
Liquidity and Asset Pricing: An Empirical Exploration of Turnover and Expected Returns on Chinese Stock Markets 流动性与资产定价:基于我国股市资产换手率与预期收益的实证研究
From asset operational condition it appear on the market for our country company the influence of effect is the enterprise asset of notable positive barrier operational condition the turnover efficiency of asset is enterprise high, enterprise effect for good. 从资产营运状况来看,它对我国上市公司绩效的影响是显著正相关的,企业资产的营运状况即资产的周转效率高,企业的绩效就好。
On the basis of current methods, it designs a system which applies to evaluating the security investment funds, including net asset value, total reward rate, cost rate, turnover rate and the measure and the determination of risk. 结合国内外已有的方法,设计了一套有关证券投资基金的评价体系。包括净资产值、总报酬率、费用率、周转率以及风险的衡量与测定。
But total asset turnover, total return on assets and company of the influence of the scale capital costs by contraries, including total asset turnover and total asset yield no through significant tests, and scale but passed significant test. 但是总资产周转率、总资产收益率以及公司规模对资本成本的影响与预期相反,其中总资产周转率和总资产收益率没有通过显著性检验,而规模却通过了显著性检验。
Chapter ⅳ the empirical analysis of two models, the study found in the Logistic model in three years, net assets per share, asset turnover, basic earnings per share, audit opinions is associated with the company to be ST. 第四章对两模型进行了实证分析,研究发现在Logistic模型中在三年模型中,每股净资产、资产周转率、基本每股收益、审计意见与公司是否被特别处理有比较密切的关系。
Next, made a establishing linear regression between traditional financial index and EVA. Found that EVA and selected six of seven traditional financial indicators have significant ground sex, but not related with total asset turnover. 然后通过将所选的传统财务指标与EVA之间建立线性回归,发现EVA与所选的七个传统财务指标中的六个都具有显著的线性关系,但与总资产周转率之间不相关。
Liquidity is negative correlation to corporate performance; relationship between inventory and corporate performance is not significant; fixed assets, intangible assets and total asset turnover are correlation to corporate performance. 流动资产比率同企业绩效负相关,存货比率同企业绩效关系不显著,固定资产、无形资产和总资产周转率同企业绩效正相关。
DuPont analysis, a common form of financial statement analysis, decomposes return on net operating assets into two multiplicative components: profit margin and asset turnover. 而杜邦分析是一种常用的财务报表分析方式,它是把经营性净资产回报率分解为两个相乘的部分:利润率和资产周转率。
Viewing from the distribution condition of asset quality second-level indicators, asset turnover performed poorer, while profitability performed better. 从资产质量的二级指标的分布情况来看,资产的周转性欠佳,盈利性表现较好。
It indicates higher core profit margins and return on assets and return on net assets. However, each asset turnover operational capacity needs to be improved. 说明核心利润率和资产报酬率以及净资产收益率较高,但是各项资产的周转运营能力有待提高。
I choose 6 indicators which are asset-liability ratio, debt service coverage ratios, inventory turnover, asset turnover, return on equity and sales of net profit margin from the debt, operations and profitability forms to make the financial analysis. 从偿债、营运以及获利能力三方面选择资产负债率、偿债保障比率、存货周转率、资产周转率、净资产收益率和销售净利率共6个财务指标来分析。
In the composite index of the quality of assets, asset turnover and profitability contributed significantly to the asset quality indicators. 在资产质量的综合指数中,资产的周转性和盈利性对资产质量指标贡献较大。
At the same time, to prevent the effect of other factors except explanatory variables, this paper also introduced asset scale, asset-liability ratio, asset turnover and asset growth rates and industries control variables. 同时,为防止解释变量以外的因素对企业价值造成影响,本文还引入资产规模、资产负债率、资产周转率和资产增长率以及行业等控制变量。
Operational capacity indicator relates to the accounts receivable turnover, inventory turnover, current asset turnover, working capital turnover ratio, non-current asset turnover and total asset turnover, total of six indicators. 营运能力指标涉及存货周转率、营运资本周转率、总资产周转率、应收账款周转率、流动资产周转率和非流动资产周转率共六个指标。
The efficiency of the current assets quality can flow through asset turnover, inventory turnover, accounts receivable turnover and operating cash flow and operating profit ratio. 流动资产质量的周转性可以通过对流动资产周转率、存货周转率、应收账款周转率、经营活动现金流量与营业利润比指标分析来进行评价。
The results are as following: ① factors that affecting the quality of the manufacturing assets of listed companies are asset turnover, profitability, the using situation of fixed assets as well as the effectiveness of assets. 结果显示:①制造业上市公司资产质量的影响因素包括资产的周转性,盈利性,固定资产使用情况以及资产的有效性。